Thursday, August 8, 2019

Critically evaluate how the recent recession has been affecting Essay

Critically evaluate how the recent recession has been affecting strategic marketing management practices of Apple - Essay Example By 1980 as the sales of the company were experiencing a high the company also grew considerably in size, by the time the Apple III was launched, the company employed several thousand people and was conducting international business (apple-history, 2013). Lisa and Macintosh are hall mark products of the Apple Company. During the 1980’s the Mac II gave the windows a really tough time, taking it to the verge of a flop, due to its expandability and viability (apple-history, 2013). The release of power books in 1991 put Apple back in the race it was losing against windows 3.0, and advancements were being made at the same time towards the PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) (apple-history, 2013). Formerly known as Apple Computer; Apple Inc. is currently the biggest tech company in the world that employs more than 49,400 people and gross profit of more than $ 65 billion (Rodrigo, 2012). Competitors Apple’s competitors in the technology and computer industry are Microsoft, Dell, M otorola, LG, and Nokia. ... comes from its diverse line and range of products and the software and hardware integration of their range of products; which they have achieved over the years (Magee, 2011). Apple has led to the jointed manufacturing of computers and mobile devices, whereas this was previously done by separate companies (Magee, 2011). This allows for shared functioning and information processing, connectivity is the main feature giving these products a competitive edge (Magee, 2011). Impact of Recession The recession did not impact Apple Inc. as expected and rather than suffering massive losses like its counterparts it just received a jolt at its retail stores (MaCNN, 2009). The number of visitors per Apple retail store suffered a drop of 1.8%, and the revenues fell 17.4 percent (MaCnn, 2009). 2008 saw a drop for the company’s revenues by 0.6 percent in the last three month period (Oliver, 2009). Apple saw the revenue decrease on per store basis but as a whole the Mac sales increased year ove r year as compared to 2008 (Oliver, 2009). Apart from suffering a drop in terms of visitor per retail store the concept that Apple retail store follow, showed the success of the strategies employed by Apple (Oliver, 2009). According to Carl Howe, who is the director of consumer research for the Yankee Group said that the company is really tested during a recession, and for Apple, the ‘ think different’ motto appears to be working really well (cited in Rodrigo, 2012). Where economies, banks and companies have drastically suffered at the hands of the recession, Apple has maintained its record sales. Recession tests companies by better execution and Apple is achieving that (Howe, cited in Rodrigo, 2012). Apple’s share value doubled during 2008, the year the recession hit the hardest and

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