Monday, September 16, 2019


Administration and Related Streams How To Use The Business Report Template (version 1. 0) Formal business reports are prepared in a different format than essays or other academic assignments. Preparing professional reports, and proposals, will help you communicate your ideas to your employers while also adding to your value as an employee. This is an important skill to develop and practice while here at Centennial. Business writing should involve three key steps: Planning Writing Completing Planning: Analyzing the situation or topic.Defining the purpose, the â€Å"business problem† or opportunity' that a report may address. Formulating a main message for your report – often this involves proposing a solution or response to the purpose. Developing an audience profile. Gathering information. In other words, primary and secondary research, as required. Organizing the information: Creating an outline or structure for the key points that need to be expressed. Writing: Adapt ing to the audience. Developing a tone or style that is sensitive to audience needs while projecting and protecting your organization's image and/or brand.Composing the message: Follow the outline prepared earlier, using carefully instructed paragraphs and sentences. Identify or create any visual or graphic representations of data that you want to use. Completing: Revising: Proofread and edit for spelling, grammar and typographical errors. Re-write for conciseness and clarity. To assist you with the formatting of such documents, we have prepared a template that you can use to guide you through the report preparation process. Download the template. Save one â€Å"master † copy to use again in the future.Save a new copy with a new file name that reflects your report or assignment. Instructions are given and highlighted in yellow. Read all instructions and delete them when you no longer need them. Replace all other elements (titles, headings, sample text, etc. ) with YOUR conten t, as instructed. When you finish using the template, the final document should contain your own original work, formatted as a standard business report. All instructions or examples given in this template should be either deleted or replaced with your own content.Instructions for the cover page: The next page is a cover page and contains the report title (mandatory), a subtitle (optional) and information on the author, the intended audience (in this case, a roofless), and the date it was prepared. Every business report should have a title that reflects its content or â€Å"main message†. The title should be in the same font as the body of your work, but at least twice as large as your regular text. It should be centered, bold, underlined and should appear about one third to halfway down the page from the top.Depending on the nature and content of the report, you may decide that a subtitle is appropriate. For example, a report about recycling in Toronto might look like this: R ecycling In Toronto Saving The City One Plastic Bottle At A Time Titles do not require punctuation, although you can use a colon at the end of the title if you decide to use a subtitle. This is optional. Guidelines regarding fonts and font sizes: Use either a simple sans serif font (Ariel, Calamari, OTTOMH) or Times New Roman (a simple serif font). Regardless of which font you select, use the same font for the entire document.Do not use italics at any point in your report. Use the following font sizes and configurations: Cover Page Title: 22 point, bold, underlined, centered Cover Page SubTitle: 16 point, centered Headings: 16 point ,bold, underlined, centered Subheadings: 13 point, bold, underlined left-justified Body text: 1 1 point DELETE THIS PAGE BEFORE YOU HAND IN YOUR WORK! The Title Of Your Report The Subtitle of Your Report Your Name Your Student Number Professor's Name Course Name Course Code Date Submitted Executive Summary Instructions: The heading â€Å"Executive Summa ry' is standard and should remain unchanged on this page.An Executive Summary is the last item that an author prepares when writing a business report. It should contain NO MORE than three paragraphs, each with three or four sentences. The Executive Summary should never exceed one page. Paragraph One: Introduce the topic of the report. Paragraph Two: Discuss the main problem(s) that the report examines. Paragraph Three: Review, briefly, any conclusions or recommendations that the report offers. A reader should get a reasonable representation of the overall content from reading these three paragraphs. Table of Contents These page numbers are provided as samples.Use the real page numbers for your report. Put actual headings and subheadings as per your actual report. Introduction First Topic Heading Subheading 2 Second Topic Heading 3 Third Topic Heading 4 Recommendations Conclusion References 5 Appendices 6 Appendix One 7 Appendix Two 8 – Title Appendix Three – Title 9 Ap pendix Four – Title 10 The Table of Contents shows the reader where to find specific content areas. If you have prepared a strong outline prior to writing your report (highly recommended), the headings, subheadings and other information should be easily available and clearly organized.This example shows three headings and two subheadings for each, however this is Just for the purposes of this example. There is no set amount for these elements. Use as many of each as you feel are appropriate to construct a omelet report. Insert the accurate page number for each corresponding element. It is often best to construct this table of contents after all content is prepared and edited. This will allow for fewer revisions to the table of contents. The appendices show any data tables, charts, graphs, or visuals that you refer to within the body of the report.Such visual material should appear at the end in an appendix rather than taking up page space within the body of the report. A note about page numbers: The first page of the report is the page that follows this table of contents and should notation a few introductory paragraphs to the topic, followed by the first major topic heading. However, the first page NUMBER should appear on page two. It is standard to leave the page number out on page one. Introduction Marketing has been changed dramatically for last fifty years. Nowadays it consists of many different and complex tools for every particular type of business.With constant changes technological progress, in the way consumers communicate personally and professionally, marketing is a moving forward every day. Now, it happens online, offline and everywhere in-between. With the prevalence of social media, mobile internet connections and on-demand information, the 21st century presents a new challenges and opportunities for marketers. To understand these challenges and opportunities could be extremely important for success of marketing campaigns and, as result, for businesses in 21st century.Furthermore, modern marketers should understand how to solve particular challenges and how to use particular opportunities as effectively as possible. Challenges The marketing profession is going through a major transformation. Traditionally, marketing focuses on three key responsibilities: understanding the customer, how ND where to market and building the brand promise. These responsibilities are now transforming into new dimensions that require marketers to function and collaborate differently.We are talking about the new marketing imperatives of understanding the client as an individual, having a clear view of the client experience Journey or the systems of engagement and lastly, integrating the company's culture and brand to be authentically one. With today's Big Data, a marketer has the potential to transform his/her role and use the new insights to drive strategic decisions for growth and nominative advantage. Big Data-?the enormous volume, vari ety, veracity and velocity of data being produced-?holds tremendous potential for the marketing function.With the right marketing mix, marketing professionals can use Big Data to better understand individual customers, predict their behaviors, create tailored interactions and maximize the value of each interaction. Gone are the days where we Just talk about understanding markets. We have moved onto a smaller rabbit hole that promises much more. Marketers now need to understand each customer as an individual. Subheading Sample text Lore pipes dollar sit met, constructed advising elite. Vestibules magna Guam, actor at congou neck, Venetians a fells.UNC ornate, veldt AC tincture pollutant, sapiens veldt consequent null, id dismissing est. Eros et risks. Vamps consequent arc trustier risks ornate a frangible NIST consequent. Queues at trustier Eros. Duds sit met Eros seed UNC consequent mantis e vitae Guam. Annual facilities caulis torpor id plainer. In plenteous NIST quiz risks lifelin e placemat. Name AC malamutes magna. Present trustier seem AC pipes subscript a ornate Guam ultraists. Suspensions at arc NIST. Ut veil dodo mass. Anne get pipes Eros, quiz plenteous unique. Team consequent valuate purrs, et posture urn lacing non.Prior torpor NIST, lacing a bacchius condiment, dictum e Mauritius. Morbid veldt pipes, lifeline subscript rhombus in, element get urn. Vamps seed felts et est. commode aliquot. Present quiz urn ante. In seed dud dodo, advising moll's ague. In biennium nib UT pipes lacing UT lusts lacks valuate. Queues get meets unique. Mauritius commode mass e elite saddles UT clique's Just vestibules. Passels simper pipes sit met dollar facilities a frangible tells tincture. Team at magna lore, UT rut elite. Suspensions siestas consequent Eros, et interned fells placemat UT.Anne UT lacks elects, vitae dictum lacks. Present AC NIST Adam, id vestibules lacks. Annual constructed, Leo neck imperiled plenteous, NIST risks Venetians null, quiz tempts meets dol lar dismissing seem. Anne vitae clique's torpor. Morbid seem dodo, solicitude seed portion at, lampooner sit met Adam. Plenteous turnips UNC, Verviers veil malamutes in, caulis in magna. (Argentina 2006) The major difference between a â€Å"business report† and an â€Å"essay' is that a business port clearly divides its content into logically flowing topic areas, divided by headings and subheadings.These should ALWAYS correspond to a properly prepared outline – something that makes your task much easier. Use as many headings / subheadings as make sense for your report. There is no standard regarding the number of paragraphs or sentences per paragraph, although most paragraphs contain – at minimum – three sentences. Use as many or as few as make sense for what you have to say about your topic. Please note: A heading or subheading should NEVER appear in the last 15% (I. E. At the bottom) of any page. In such a case, leave white space and start the next sec tion at the top of the next page.In-Text Citations: For all ideas, quotations or content, use standard PAP in-text citation format of the author's name followed year of publication. (Argentina 2006) The reader should then be able to refer to your reference page to find where you sourced your specific material. Opportunities Wide range of marketing tools With today's development of the Internet, new marketing tools appear every year or even every month. Improvement of old technologies is happening too. Because of that marketers can use a huge number of marketing tools now.Beginning from advertising in magazines and continue to the promotion in the Internet, social networks. Obviously, it gives new opportunities for businesses and for people around. Cheap marketing Vamps seed felts et est. commode aliquot. Present quiz urn ante. In seed dud dodo, advising moll's ague. In biennium nib UT pipes lacing UT lusts lacks valuate. Queues get meets unique. Mauritius commode mass e elite saddle s UT clique's just vestibules. Passels simper pipes sit met dollar facilities a frangible tells tincture. Team at magna lore, UT rut elite. Suspensions siestas consequent Eros, t interned fells placemat UT.Anne UT lacks elects, vitae dictum lacks. Present AC NIST Adam, id vestibules lacks. Annual constructed, Leo neck imperiled plenteous, NIST risks Venetians null, quiz tempts meets dollar dismissing seem. Anne vitae clique's torpor. Morbid seem dodo, solicitude seed portion at, lampooner sit met Adam. Plenteous turnips UNC, Verviers veil malamutes in, caulis in magna. Maximize each engagement Customers are individuals. To be a successful marketer, one needs to go beyond broad customer segmentation to determine individual preferences and anticipate individual behaviors.By understanding each customer as an individual, one can develop highly targeted promotions, determine the next best action for each individual and deliver a tailored experience-?one that improves outcomes and increas es return on investment (ROI). Social media sentiments are crucial especially for business to consumer (BBC) enterprises. Collecting and analyzing the content from social media must be a top priority. The volume of social media content is staggering: Every minute, there are some 1. 7 million Faceable posts, a third of a million tweets, plus some 2. 8 million Youth views, according to Delano Digitalis 013 Social Media Trends.In the Philippines, social media is changing the way the Filipinos do things in general. Going by the numbers from Sociological, one of every three Filipinos is on Faceable. Big businesses are cashing in on it and there's no sign that it's going to slow down anytime soon. To make a point, in May 2013, ABS-CAB Integrated News and Current Affairs (INCA) tied up with IBM Philippines to utilize its deep big data analytics expertise and patented tools in analyzing public interactions on social media that helped made better sense of the social media activities in the r ecent mid-term elections.Faceable is Just one of the many channels that offer marketers routes into the psyche of a customer. As the number of customer channels increases, delivering a tailored experience across all channels is a must. Whether a customer engages-?in person, via telephone calls or comments via Twitter or on Youth, the need to anticipate what the customer wants and then make the most of each interaction is crucial. Improving marketing effectiveness An effective marketer seeks to sustain interest, generate qualified lead and goes on to convert an inquiry into a new sale-?while making the most of the marketing investment.In the past, many marketing campaigns fail to generate actual sales. The good news is, today's advanced analytics has the potential to maximize the value of Big Data and transform key marketing functions. Employing big data analytics for behavior analysis, for example, enables marketers to explore a broader range of customer information than previously available, detect patterns in prior behavior and more accurately predict future behaviors. As a result, marketers can determine the next best action, better target promotions and increase the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.The valuable customer information that marketers collect can be used not only to improve marketing but also to enhance product development. By sharing emerging trends and real-time feedback gathered from social media and other sources, marketers can make a valuable contribution to successful product development. Moving from traditional marketing strategies to more data-driven approaches that employ advanced analytics, marketers can optimize their audience, channel, content and yield. They can better target high-value customers, determine the best channels for reaching those customers, tailor the messaging and ultimately liver better results.Big Data is more than a simple matter of size; it is an opportunity to find insights in new and emerging types of dat a and content, to make your business more agile, and to answer questions that were previously considered beyond your reach. Until now, there was no practical way to harvest this opportunity. To sum it up, it is about bringing science to the art of marketing and realizing that things can be done smarter. In Conclusion pipes, lifeline subscript rhombus in, element get urn. Vamps seed fells et est. commode aliquot. Present quiz urn ante.In seed dud dodo, advising moll's ague. Plenteous turnips UNC, Verviers veil malamutes in, caulis in magna. Most business reports are written with the purpose of presenting findings and offering recommendations. When preparing the conclusion, you may wish to review the main points from the introduction (for example, re-stating whatever business problem you were examining) and suggesting what positive results might follow should your recommendations be followed. Argentina, P. A. , & Foreman, J. (2006). The Power of Corporate Communication: Crafting the V oice and Image of Your Business.New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Hover's Online. (2007) Intel-company Capsule. Retrieved September 6, 2007 from www. Hoovers. Com/ Intel-corporation/–old_13787–/free-co-facets. XHTML. Porter, M. E. & Kramer, M. R. (2002, December). The competitive advantage of corporate philanthropy. Harvard Business Review, 80(12), 56-68. Instructions – PAP Citation Style: The American Psychological Association (PAP) style is one of three standard formats used to cite works that have been used as research for reports and essays.ALL non- original ideas and content within a document MUST be cited or you may be legalizing – in other words, you may be presenting work that appears to be yours, but in fact is not. Your professor has the option to give a grade of zero for either the work, or the course, should a student be found popularizing. The best way to avoid this is to use PAP to cite EVERYTHING. Keep track of every article you read, every book, journal or website you use. Personal interviews with experts are great sources of information and must be cited in the text as well however do not need to be included in the reference page.PAP has the following attributes: Citations are formatted as hanging indents and appear alphabetically by author last name. Citations contain the following information (when available), IN THIS ORDER: 1 . Author last name followed by initials 2. Year of publication (in parentheses) 3. Title information 4. Publication information 5. Date retrieved or accessed (for online Journals and web sites) 6. Page range (for periodicals only) 7. URL (for online Journals and websites) The examples above offer three different types of citations for the reference page. There are dozens more that cover all possible situations.Examples can be found inline if you search for â€Å"PAP examples†, or you can refer to any reputable communications textbook for guidance. Appendix One – Title Chart Title List the source and the date here Put all visual materials into appendices that appear at the end of your report. Each page should contain only ONE visual. Change the title of the appendix here to reflect your work. MAKE SURE you properly label the data, and that you use an explanatory chart title. The source for the visual should always be listed, as well as a date. This is particularly important if you are using data that might be questioned or may be obsolete. Picture Title

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