Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Human Resources Department and Analysis

Question: Discuss about the Human Resources Department and Analysis. Answer: Introduction The organization which I have chosen for my paper is Apple incorporation which is listed in United States of America. The organization has been in news during the recent years with complete focus on the employee oriented policies of the company. Line Managers are responsible for monitoring the attendance of their reportees, approving leave and flexi-hours facility. The flexi-hours facility will be at the sole discretion of the Line Manager. For BSE team, Line Managers will ensure that any absence on part of their reportee is documented and is given to HR department for record keeping. For all other processes, HR will use access control data to review attendance record and ensure absence is documented. In case of any exigency, Line Manager will notify HR. All approvals should be given keeping in mind the needs of the employee and business interests. Human Resources department (HRD) will ensure recording of leave by employees and providing payroll inputs accordingly. Finance department will process payroll as per the attendance inputs given by HRD with regard to attendance (Duhigg, 2012). Situational analysis and Industry attractiveness Employees are responsible to notify their Line Manager as early as possible prior to, or during their assigned work day if they may be late or absent for any reason. This notification should include the reasons for the absence and when the employee expects to return to work. Asking another employee, friend or relative to give this notification is not considered proper except under emergency conditions. Unsatisfactory attendance will result in disciplinary action, including termination of employment and/or stopping pay for the scheduled time missed. Any absence, more than the number of approved PL will be treated as Leave without Pay, unless given valid reasons to the full satisfaction of the Department Head. If an employee absents from work for three consecutive days without intimation to Line Manager, it would be treated as absconding from work. The Line Manager should report such absence to the HR department and Department Head. A notification will be sent to the employee to report the cause of such unapproved absence extending beyond 3 working days. If the absence without intimation continues beyond seven consecutive working days without notification, such an employees name may be struck off the rolls of the Company(Duhigg, 2012). Employees cannot avail any leave during notice period. In case there is a genuine reason to avail SL/CL, the notice period may be extended by the leave period. Line Manager will decide in this regard. If there is no SL/CL credit available with the employee, such absence will be considered as LWP. Leave without Pay (LWP) LWP can be applied by an employee when no other leave is available. An employee cannot ask LWP as a matter of right. The employee will be considered on LWP if s/he does not submit the leave approval to the HR department before taking leave. In case LWP is availed on a Friday and subsequent Monday, then weekend will also be considered as LWP LWP availed during notice period, will result in extension of notice period by the given number of days. During the period of LWP, the employee is not entitled for any pay or allowance. If the employee fails to report to duty on the specified date after the sanctioned LWP, it would be treated as absconding from work. The Line Manager should report such absence to the HR department. A notification will be sent to the employee to report the cause. If the absence without intimation continues beyond five consecutive working days without notification, such an employees name may be struck off the rolls of the Company. LWP can be implicated on disciplinary grounds with regard to attendance by the management regardless to the availability of the other types of leave. LWP up to 15 days in a Leave Year may be approved to an employee for undertaking academic pursuits or to accommodate any other significant life event. Suchleave will be approved by the Department Head of the employee, upon the recommendation of the Line manager, in consultation with HR. A maximum of 3 months of LWP in a Leave Year can be approved to an employee on grounds of prolonged sickness/ supporting immediate family member who needs medical diagnosis, care, or treatment of an illness, injury, or health condition. Respective Department Head will recommend any such case for approval to the HR Head and MD Group CEO of the Company for due approval. This will need to be accompanied with an adequate reason along with any supporting documents viz; Doctors certificate etc. Family member includes an eligible employees child, spouse, parent, sibling and spouses, parent or sibling. The organization has been in news during the recent years with complete focus on the employee oriented policies of the company. Line Managers are responsible for monitoring the attendance of their reportees, approving leave and flexi-hours facility. The flexi-hours facility will be at the sole discretion of the Line Manager. For BSE team, Line Managers will ensure that any absence on part of their reportee is documented and is given to HR department for record keeping. For all other processes, HR will use access control data to review attendance record and ensure absence is documented. In case of any exigency, Line Manager will notify HR. All approvals should be given keeping in mind the needs of the employee and business interests. Human Resources department (HRD) will ensure recording of leave by employees and providing payroll inputs accordingly. Finance department will process payroll as per the attendance inputs given by HRD with regard to attendance (Duhigg, 2012). Period of LWP that extends beyond 15 days will not be counted in the service period for the purpose of bonus payout. Conclusion Since the respective states Shop Establishment Act allows to accumulate only such number of leaves as are prescribed under the said Act and the new Leave Policy is aligned with the said Act, the Company has decided to give a one-time encashment of excess accumulated paid leaves in recognition of its employees commitment towards the growth of the Company and as a token of gratitude. Pursuant to new Leave Policy, the employee will be allowed to accumulate and carry forward only such number of paid leaves those are permitted under the said Act. For further details, you are advised to refer the Leave Policy along with the schedule attached thereto. Flexi-hours facility which enables the employee to observe different work timings than the regular work timing. Exercising Flexi working hours is based on the agreement between employee and Line Manager as addressed in the Work Arrangement Policy (Apple Incorporation-WAP), as long as it is used responsibly and serves good to the employee and the organization. It can be revisited at any point in time or not, depending upon operational requirements. References: Duhigg, C., Barboza, D. (2012). In China, human costs are built into an iPad.New York Times,25 Hannah, D. R., Robertson, K. (2015). Why and how do employees break and bend confidential information protection rules?.Journal of Management Studies,52(3), 381-413 Heracleous, L., Papachroni, A. (2012). Strategic leadership and innovation at Apple Inc.case study. Coventry: Warwick Business School Kim, S. H., Shin, I. S., Cho, K. 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