Friday, May 24, 2019

Hamlet a Domestic Play or a Commentary on Power Politics Essay

In the early 1600s, the time that small t deliver was written, the themes of agent authorities related to the home(prenominal) would have been far more relevant to the audience as at this time, these two themes intertwined particularly within the monarchy which is hereditary meaning that the power comes from family. A recognize this link is demonstrated by James Is 1603 speech to Parliament where he stated that he was the Husband and the whole isle his lawful wife showing the domestic view of many political relations and also the idea of James I as a preserve ruling over his country which was his wife.This also brings in another theme of power plays in Hamlet being demonstrated by patriarchal dominance, such as the power Polonius has over Ophelia. We also see the power of men on their families as a whole and how characters us their family links and loyalties to gain power. end-to-end Hamlet we see a number of sons avenging their dumbfounds deaths, including old and young For tinbras, Laertes and Polonius and old and young Hamlet.These draw attention to the domestic tragedy element of Hamlet and as to whether Hamlet seeks revenge for his fathers death due to his love for his father or because of his duty to him and the power Old Hamlets touch sensation has over Hamlet. When we see Hamlet speaking to the Ghost of Old Hamlet, it seems to be a close relationship with Old Hamlet expressing concerns for his son, stating taint not the question suggesting that Hamlet should not allow the act of revenge to taint his morality.This is a bizarre ask from Old Hamlet as murder will doubtless affect Hamlets sense of morality. However, within their conversation, Hamlets obligation to vindicate his father is also made apparent by the tracing himself who tells Hamlet that after hearing what he has to say, Hamlet will be bound to revenge. The word bound shows how Hamlets father expects Hamlet to avenge him and believes this is what he should do, showing Old Hamlets p ower over his son as this is what he eventually does.We also see Old Hamlets dominance in a number of other ways including the fact that he dominates the conversation and his physical dominance as he has been depict as a valiant man who smote his rivals, which contrasts to what we see of Hamlet, who is a scholar relying more upon his brain than his ability to fight. This dominance is finally shown when Hamlet is warned not to go with the ghost but ignores his friends advice and states that he will follow it.We also see the power of the father in the relationship between Polonius and his two childrea Laertes and Ophelia. We see Polonius notice his children how to behave and to give thy thoughts no tongue, and yet, ironically, Polonius appears to have a compulsive need throughout the play, giving out a large amount of slopped advice and opinions. To add to this irony, Polonius tells them to thine own self be true, as all he does is advise and tell people how to behave, this works t o somewhat ridicule Polonius skills as an advisor.However, Ophelia must still listen to him as in the 17th century, the daughter was effectively the property of the father until she was married and thus must accept what her father said, as seen when Ophelia says, I shall obey, my lord. This obedience opens up Ophelia to be used as a political pawn by Polonius in his own efforts to gain favour and thus power with the King. This manipulation of Ophelia by Polonius suggests that Shakespeares play is a commentary of power politics as it infers much about the reincarnation court and its workings, criticising it.Furthermore, we see the male dominance that Laertes has over his sister, Ophelia, however, unlike Polonius, he does not seem to use this to his advantage or to gain power. He warns Ophelia away(p) from Hamlet as on his choice depends the safety and health of this whole state. At this time, powerful families commonly used marriage as a bureau of forging tactical, political or soc ial allegiences, once again linking the personal to the political.However, while Laertes has power over Ophelia, it doesnt appear to be for his own advantage as it is the case with Polonius, thus suggesting that his concerns are genuine and out of love for his sister. As a result, it strengthens the interpretation of Hamlet as a domestic tragedy. To conclude, I believe that in many of the relationships in Hamlet, there is a mix of power politics and domesticity with characters using their families as a means of gaining power or using their power to get what they want. All of these contribute to making the line between power plays and domestic relationships more unclear.

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