Wednesday, July 24, 2019

INLAND TRANSPORTATION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

INLAND TRANSPORTATION - Essay Example Herne Organics will also have a distribution pattern that is determined by the proximity of the respective clients. Shifts for deliveries will be organised around this concept. Lastly, a lot of support will be needed in terms of the trained drivers, efficient mechanics and experience in supply chain management. The latter essay is an examination of the transport options available to a company that specializes in organic vegetables and salads. This business was initially a small one, however, following re-investment and expansion in the sector, the company now focuses on production of organic products. There is a need to look at some of the avenues available to the company in terms of vehicle fleet management. Additionally, financial and operational challenges will be examined with strict adherence to the UK vehicle and operator serve agency’s rules and regulations. Herne Organics has the option of either outsourcing or owning their fleet of vehicles for transportation. If the company chooses to outsource this business function, then it stands to benefit from the great experience that the transporting company will have. Since such experts have worked with so many other businesses, then they are likely to develop solutions that are well suited to this company. (Emp, 2007) If the company chooses to own its fleet of vehicles then they may have to dedicate a lot of finance and time towards running this fleet. By outsourcing, the Kent Limited will be spared from this hustle and bustle. Outsourcing also, transfers some of the risks that arise out of owning one’s fleet. This is usually because of the need to maintain an operational lease. Additionally, vehicles require a lot of maintenance and this eats onto the company’s profits. By outsourcing, the company can eradicate this issue. If the company opts to own its fleet of vehicles, it would have

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