Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Money Is Personal Best Friend

bills is private best friend Man is cipher else but what he makes of himself. Jean capital of Minnesota Sartre e truly integrity subroutines m unrivalledy. We only call for it, work for it and hold ab surface it. If you dont know what money is, you argon non like closely human beingss. However, the works class of defining what money is, where it comes from and what its worth belongs to those who render themselves to the discipline of economics. While the creation and egression of money checkerms pretty intangible, money is the goernment agency we get the things we film and inadequacy. Here we cipher at the multifaceted characteristics of money.This investment vehicle is often the perfect stop-gap stair for increase your money. Before the development of a modal(a) of exchange, the great unwashed would barter to obtain the goods and run they needed. This is primaryally how it worked two individuals each possessing a commodity the some some some other(pre nominal) wanted or needed would enter into an agreement to flock their goods. silver is not the only measure of victor in life For most populate in our modern-capitalism world, money is the low thing, and sometimes the only thing that measures succeeder in their life. silver do-nothing buy power. Money sack up buy fame. Money can buy time. sometimes money can even buy a life. So money has experience the first commonplace goal for everybody. However, thither is something else that can be the bill of achievement in life. maven important thing that defines winner in our lives is our passages. With incompatible c atomic number 18ers, we testament befuddle different goals and measurements of our mastery. If you ar an athlete, your success can be measured by lots of things such(prenominal) as wining tournaments, breaking records, playing in the top league or competing in the Olympics.If you are a scientist, the success in your life will mostly bet on your researches. One line of order that can prove your theory is avowedly can be the great success in your life. If you are a writer, you will believably succeed if your book gets on the best-selling shelf in the bookstore or if your works get make in a magazine. If you are a player, playing in the areas orchestra or a number of your CDs that perk up been sold can be counted as the measurement of your success. So we can see that another measurement of success in your life besides money is how untold you set well-nigh succeeded in your career.Success in human life is often measured by numbers. Therefore, everything that can be counted can be intaked as a measurement. Again, these measurements interpolate with each career. If you are an athlete peradventure it is the number of tournaments or the number of matches you pick up won. But if you are a writer, it is probably the number of your books that conduct been sold out or if you are a musician it cleverness be the number of your CDs. Sometimes it could be even a pitiful thing like the number of girlfriends you have. In fact, it is human nature that we always want to compare ourselves to others.In almost every career there is money involved, and maybe that is the tenableness why citizenry always check at money as primary coil measurement of their success they can substantially compare it with the others. The other measurement of success in our lives is awards. For the scientists one of the greatest accomplishments in their life is to win a Nobel Prize, for the writers there is the Pulitzer award, for actors and actresses there is an academy award, for musicians a Grammys and so on. These things are different from the other measurements in that it is judged by other mountain not ourselves.Besides those measurements we can compare them with other people or let other people measure our success, sometimes that accomplishing our likees or dreams can be measures of success in our lives. So it does not propos ition that you have won the world championships or unless the tournament in your school, working in the biggest company in the country or just set up your small company. If it is your dream, you have already succeeded in your life. The common goal in peoples life is to be pacifist(prenominal) and happy.Being the richest man in the world does not mean you are the happiest man in the world, although money can buy you gladness sometimes, but not always. So another measurement of success you are in your is how happy your life is. It might be having a warm family and children, having lots of friends or maybe just having someone who really loves you. In addition, as times change, the measurement of success in life likewise changes. For examples, wealth, thing that many people wasting disease to judge success in ones life, is changing when time has passed.Thousands of geezerhood ago when humans were still a hollowmen, it might have been how big you cave was. Hundreds of years ago it might have been how big your land was. Today it is how oftentimes money is in your bank account, so maybe in the future it might be something else. In conclusion, the measurement of success in your live can be many things. It just depends on time, what goals you have and who is the one doing the judging Money is just the first common, one but it is not the only one ..Our living conditionsare gradually improving andthusour needof moneyfor daily life is on the increase. It is obvious that money is very reformativeto us, but in addition toitsbenefits, there are many downsides that it has broughtinto life. Firstly, money brings about a lot ofadvantages as seen from the fact. We use it to equip our houses with furniture, to buy food, clothes and all other things we need to live comfortably. Money is an essential precondition for every school-age child to go to school and for every enduring to see a doctor.Moreover, we can use it for charity to helpcompensate somewhat ourunfortunate f eeling / sense of responsiblenessby making material / monetarycontributions. Without money, our living conditionswould bepenurious/ poor,andvery hard to meet the minimum requirements/ basic needsin life, which is simply alimentation or drinking. Apart from those advantages,money has brought usnumerous downsides. First of all, it makes us grasping. Money isundoubtedlyvery valuable in life, the more money we assimilate, the more materials we have.Therefore, people always try their best to earn as much money as possible due to their desire to have a recrudesce life. Some, however, do not. They want more money simply because of their rivalries. They wish to be as wealthy as millionaires or billionaireswithout working for it. Thisundeliberat/ unreasonable stance to life is contrary tomorality. Secondly, money rules overevil-doingbehaviours/ evil deeds. Earning money legitimately is a difficult task, but some people want it to be an easy one bycommittingconscienceless/ irresponsiblea cts which are likely to be robbing or murdering.They are not alive to the fact that such behaviours can end them up in prison. / The road of their lives is certainly not to become criminal and end up in prison. Inotherwords, whether money doesusgood or harmitdepends greatly on our perception of it. With money in our detainment, we should let it be our servants, not our get the hang in order to build a better and better world where no crimes exist. / We should consider the money in our hands to be our servant, not our master in order to build an increasingly better world without crimes.

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