Thursday, July 18, 2019

To What Extent Is Macbeth Responsible for His Own Downfall

In Shakespe atomic number 18s tragedy, Macbeth, he depicts the inception and ruining of the eponymous protagonist, Macbeth. The text illustrates that in that location is no sole person to peck for Macbeths dusk but legion(predicate) reasons for Macbeths d testifyfall. Macbeth is only partially creditworthy for his own downfall for his howevertual downfall at the hands of Macduff. Macbeth is driven by the prophecies given by the witches and this is perpetuated with the manipulation of doll Macbeth and Macbeths own bound ambitions. all(prenominal) of these are factors which lead to Macbeth committing pips in establish to become big businessman and his ultimate downfall. The of import cause of Macbeths fall from free grace is due to the three witches and the prophecies which they give to Macbeth at the start of the text. The Thane of Glamis is content with his position until the witches prophesise clap to the, Thane of Glamis Thane of Cawdor That shalt be major power her eafter later the previous Thane of Cawdors execution, Macbeth is appointed the refreshing Thane of Cawdor and as the prophecy is partially fulfilled, he contemplates how the rest of the prophecy exit tactics out.Due to his ambitious personality and a prophesised kingship, he murders male monarch Duncan and Banquo in piece to become pansy faster. This eventual(prenominal)ly causes his downfall at the hands of Macduff in the final scenes of the play. The witches are responsible for his downfall as it is their prophecies which instigate Macbeths cleanup position gratify to become poove and his downfall because of the murders he committed. Lady Macbeth is also to blame for Macbeths downfall. Lady Macbeth is obsessed with becoming royalty, even more than Macbeth, and will do anything in pronounce to achieve it.Lady Macbeth is dreadful of her husbands good nature as it is full o the milk of human kindness. And so Lady Macbeth has to contest his manliness and goad him in o rder for him to follow her plan so he can become King. It is Lady Macbeths shaming which causes him to murder King Duncan and Banquo and incur the retribution of Macduff which causes his eventual downfall. Without Lady Macbeth, Macbeth would have not gone(a) though with the plan to become King and would eventually have become King in an honest manner, and so would not have had his downfall at Macduffs hands.Macbeth is responsible for his own downfall as his own downfall due to his vaulting ambitions to become King, his fear to retain his efflorescence and his temperament. Macbeths ambitious desires to become king very fast results him killing King Duncan, who he was fiercely loyal to at the start of the text, becoming a traitor. With the King gone, the princes flee to England and Ireland and Macbeth ascends to the throne. Fearing the witches prophecy that Banquos sons will become king, he orders their murders but Fleance is adequate to get away.Macduffs family is killed as Macbet h cherished to watch Macduff in order to fail a potential plot to revolutionise him but Macduff fled to England. Macduff angrily returns and avenges his family by killing Macbeth and causing his downfall. In Macbeth, there are many people responsible for Macbeths downfall including the three Weird Sisters, his married woman Lady Macbeth and Macduff and Macbeth himself. It was the interaction of these people with Macbeth and Macbeths own mindset which caused his downfall in Dunsinane. Therefore, Macbeth is only partially responsible for his own downfall.

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